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Skiwanderung: Verbindungsloipe Burkersdorf-Frauenstein


Skiwanderung: Verbindungsloipe Burkersdorf-Frauenstein

Skiwanderung: Verbindungsloipe Burkersdorf-Frauenstein

4,61 km
5,7 km/h
130 m
30 m
  • Enregistrer une copie du Tour


Point de départ
1,22 km
Blick vom Turmberg gen Burgberg Lichtenberg
4,61 km



Profil du Tour

Profil de vitesse

a fait un Tour.

6 février 2019


  • 6 février 2019

    The tour starts at the former breakpoint of the Kleinbahn in Burkersdorf. It leads over the former railway embankment, over the tower mountain and the Burkersdorfer way to Frauenstein. Shortly before Frauenstein there is the possibility to walk to the city center. Otherwise, at this point you turn right

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
  • 6 février 2019

    The tour starts at the former breakpoint of the Kleinbahn in Burkersdorf. It leads over the former railway embankment, over the tower mountain and the Burkersdorfer way to Frauenstein. Shortly before Frauenstein there is the possibility to walk to the city center. Otherwise, at this point you turn right

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine

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