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The Oregon Outback Trail


The Oregon Outback Trail

Dropped Magazine

The Oregon Outback Trail

Collection par Dropped Magazine

1 Tour

46:51 h

586 km

4 120 m

The Oregon Outback is one of the most iconic off-road bikepacking routes in the Northwest. Starting near the Californian border, the trail snakes its way through the stark and beautiful high desert of the Beaver State before ending at the Columbia River, just across from Washington. The 364-mile route is known for its scenic vistas and remote riding through some of the last true bits of cowboy country. Ridden in the summer, the Outback is brutally hot and water sources are scarce. In the winter, the area is covered with snow and is virtually un-rideable. For a long time, Sebastian had planned to visit my new home in Seattle in the fall and whilst the weather in Washington was already starting to get bad, the desert of Oregon held promise.- Brady LawrenceRead the full feature in Issue 01 of Dropped




  1. The Oregon Outback

    586 km
    12,5 km/h
    4 120 m
    5 310 m
    Sortie gravel - Expert. Excellente condition physique nécessaire. Surfaces pour la plupart pavées. Tous niveaux.

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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    586 km
  • Durée
    46:51 h
  • Élévation
    4 120 m

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