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Farewell to Cornwall Trail & Beach Cleans


Farewell to Cornwall Trail & Beach Cleans

Trash Free Trails

Farewell to Cornwall Trail & Beach Cleans

Collection par Trash Free Trails

1 Tour

04:35 h

21,0 km

310 m

A Trail & Beach Clean Expedition - Farewell and thank you Cornwall:In the words of the late, great Frank Sinatra; "and now, the time is near..". We're off Lion, yep, we're leaving Cornwall. I know, we're almost certainly mental, but it's time for a new adventure. However, before we do, we have work to do.Trash Free Trails was born on this stretch of coastline, where through my work for Surfers Against Sewage and play in the water and along the sweeping coastal trails since 2010, I found my purpose.One place is particularly special to me, Penhale Sands. Over the last decade I have helped remove almost 10 tonnes of plastic pollution from this exposed, mile long strip of sand. This beach is what's known as a 'collector beach', which essentially means that huge amounts of plastic is deposited upon it (especially during storms) and the northern end (known as the 'corner') is ground zero. Some of the scenes of human made devastation that I have seen there are almost impossible to comprehend and it is here, alongside thousands of wonderful people, that I have worked my hardest to tackle plastic pollution with my hands. It is also where I first had the 'idea' that was to become Trash Free Trails. So it seemed to me that a Trail & Beach Clean Expedition to the Corner would be the perfect way to say farewell and thank you to Cornwall before Lion and I set sail for North Wales!I'm determined to use all the daylight (and energy) available to me to fill my trail clean pack as many times as possible but there'll be plenty of plastic pollution left over (understatement of 2021 so far!?), so it would be awesome to see and hear from people who chose to follow mine and Lion's 'trashy trail' to the birthplace of Trash Free Trails!Thanks for reading this far and huge advance high 5's for your efforts to protect our trails and wild places.Take it steady,
Dom and Lion :)




  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap contributeurs

    Farewell Trail & Beach Clean Expedition

    21,0 km
    4,6 km/h
    310 m
    320 m
    Randonnée - Intermédiaire. Bonne condition physique nécessaire. Sentiers facilement accessibles. Tous niveaux.

    A Trail & Beach Clean Expedition - Au revoir et merci Cornwall :


    Selon les mots du regretté grand Frank Sinatra; "et maintenant, le temps est proche....". On quitte Lion, oui, on quitte Cornwall. Je sais, nous sommes presque certainement mentaux, mais il est temps pour une nouvelle aventure. Cependant

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine



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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    21,0 km
  • Durée
    04:35 h
  • Élévation
    310 m

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