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Ostsee Rügen


Ostsee Rügen

Jörg Weckerle

Ostsee Rügen

Collection par Jörg Weckerle

6 Tours

07:32 h

87,4 km

760 m

Urlaub Sellin




  1. Sonnenaufgang über der Seebrücke Sellin

    5,12 km
    5,5 km/h
    80 m
    90 m

    So today we peeled out of bed very early and off to the Sellin pier at sunrise ...... when you are there, your efforts were rewarded. If you are already awake you can walk around the cliff for another lap. So now to the bakery fresh rolls and then off to breakfast

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  2. Since my ladies discovered swimming again for themselves today, I decided to go back to the route from the day before because I liked the landscape so much.

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  4. 02:20
    40,6 km
    17,4 km/h
    320 m
    310 m

    Today a relaxing tour to Putbus via Lauterbach (I'll never get used to the name ...) wonderfully pure landscape with many motifs .... worth the way .... and surprisingly little traveled ..... nice and relaxing

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  5. 00:05
    544 m
    6,6 km/h
    0 m

    At the end of my vacation I decided to visit the witches' forest in Lietzow ..... “I don't really know what to think of it ...

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  6. 01:05
    14,9 km
    13,6 km/h
    150 m
    140 m

    In the evening we started again and did a lap .... I really had no destination .... but w also set off without looking at the navigation system .....

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  7. 01:50
    7,69 km
    4,2 km/h
    80 m
    90 m

    Arrived on the island of Rügen .. of course my girls want to get on and into the water right away ..... since, to be honest, I'm not that much of a water lover, I prefer to take a closer look at the area. The rain of the last few weeks has not stopped on the steep coast either. Deep gullies and sand

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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    87,4 km
  • Durée
    07:32 h
  • Élévation
    760 m

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