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Stammberg und Ellertal Touren


Stammberg und Ellertal Touren

Markus ✌️

Stammberg und Ellertal Touren

Collection par Markus ✌️

19 Tours

37:49 h

654 km

13 440 m

Der Stammberg und das Ellertal ist immer wieder schön egal zu welcher Jahreszeit. Interessant für Wanderer und auch für Mountainbiker. Warum ist es so…na ganz einfach 😉wegen die vielen schönen Highlights.




  1. Schnelle Feierabend Runde hier und da 😃💪

    23,0 km
    23,1 km/h
    400 m
    400 m

    After a stressful and difficult day at work, I wanted a quick round of jets. Without any major highlights, I sprinted around here and there. The air after the rain was very pleasant 👍. I was happy and my bike is now dirty what more do you want 😉

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  2. 03:22
    44,2 km
    13,2 km/h
    1 550 m
    1 460 m

    Actually, I didn't want to drive today because of my knee, but it felt good and no pain. Well moved shortly after 12 and then it started. Occasionally cat and mouse played with rain and thunderstorms. The tour itself was nice in my area, but my knee has taken revenge and is already hurting again. That

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  4. 01:45
    37,1 km
    21,3 km/h
    1 180 m
    860 m

    After my last tour, I voluntarily took a break because of my knee and that was good 👍. My knee hasn't hurt for a few days and I went out today 💪. Without any particular goals, I cycled around here and there. Well, a few small mountains were also there. My knee didn't cause any problems 🤩.



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  5. 02:02
    34,8 km
    17,1 km/h
    550 m
    310 m

    In the late afternoon we went cycling again. When I started cycling everything was still dry but it should change quickly 🤣. In Neudorf it started for a short time with 🌧but, it was over again right away. Close your eyes and get on with it. Without any particular highlights, I drove around here and

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  6. For a long time I thought about whether I should drive or not. The weather wasn't so good at the time. As always willing to take risks, I went biking. The decision had been really good. The sun came out at the end and was really beautiful 🥰🤩. Without the big highlights, I really enjoyed the tour

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  7. Good things, I grabbed my mountain bike and set off in a good mood. Well, the weather was still great, but the good mood should change soon. After about 10 or 14 km it really went down 🌧🌧. After a short break, I thought to myself… fuck it, I'll continue in the rain and complete my 30 km💪. Without

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  8. Well after thinking back and forth for a long time, should I or shouldn't I ride after all, I started cycling 🚴. Actually, the plan for today was to go on a longer tour, but the nice weather is twitching around again at the moment. First to Litzendorf to the Radlhof because of new rims. After a short

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  9. After my work was done, I really wanted to do another lap in the snow. Moved and then we started. First I drove off without a plan and then while driving I had a goal. I don't know why, but I really wanted to see the wind turbines in Neudorf.

    It was great here and there


    Small departure to nowhere

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  10. after work was done and this time on time we went home. After a short assembly of my new flat pedals and my new Sigma Sport Rox 12, it started right away. My green monster was very excited and impatient and wanted to be taken out again. The weather was perfect today and just right for my 💯th tour.


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  11. After work, I wanted to do a little lap on my mountain bike 🚵‍♀️. The weather today was perfect and pleasantly mild.

    As always, my green monster was waiting longingly 😜 for it to start.

    My goal was found very quickly today

    Stammberg high

    View from Latzebühl Stammberg

    Trail towards Ellertal

    beautiful rock

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  12. My motto today was chill your base 😃😎. Had a nice tour with lots of sunshine and blue skies.


    My goals for today were:


    Lindig fountain or called the beer fountain. Fortunately, I live only 4 km away 🤣🤣

    Wind turbines from Neudorf

    Black Cross Trail connected to the Herzogenreuth Gorge


    Main Bog Forest



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  13. After a 1-week break, it started at noon today. My tour started with sunshine but after a few kilometers it started with strong wind 💨 and drizzle 🌧. Well, eyes closed and through. Actually, I wanted to ride a cool trail from Lohndorf up to the MTB 1 route, unfortunately it is partly no longer passable

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  14. my tour today was haphazard. Well drove off and thought to myself I would drive a path where it was always nice. If only I hadn't driven this way 😤🥵 ... Felled trees and carrying them again and again and sometimes the way is full in the ass 😭 ... well, close your eyes and through. In the end, the

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  15. After the work was done, we went straight home. Moved and then it started. Without any particular goals, I just drove off. The first 10-12 km were trails and hiking trails with some steep climbs. After 20 km there had to be a little pit stop at the beer fountain🙄🤩. After a successful pit stop, it continued

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  16. Today I mainly wanted to ride the trail and work out. It went up to the rest area near Kremmeldorf where you can enjoy a beautiful view and from there it went up to the Stammberg. On the Stammberg we went straight to the Eulenstein and enjoyed the view. Then it went on here and there near Eulenstein

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  17. 02:30
    46,5 km
    18,6 km/h
    940 m
    950 m

    Today a relaxed tour was announced in my area. My colleague called Silberlocke wanted to go on a tour with me today and had a few specific requests where he wanted to go.


    ➡️ Ellertal viewpoint

    ➡️Gänsberg viewpoint

    ➡️Eulenstein Trail

    ➡️Herzogreuth Trail

    ➡️Berbrunnen we both wanted to go there 🙈🤣.

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  18. After a stressful day at work, I didn't want to drive at all at first, but the weather is so great that I had to go out. I have not looked back. Without any special highlights, I drove my old standard lap again💪.

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  19. 02:08
    34,1 km
    16,0 km/h
    760 m
    780 m

    After work is done, go straight home and change clothes for cycling. Without the big highlights and goals, I rode more trails today. Anyone could drive the tour. 1-2 crisp climbs are included and at the end only downhill 👍. Well, one of the trails is a bit overgrown, but still awesome. I wish everyone a nice evening.

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  20. Ce samedi seul un petit tour était prévu dans ma région. Bon, pas prévu, mais une tournée sans plan 🤣. L'essentiel est de sortir et de profiter du beau temps. Sans aucun doute, ma tournée découverte partie 2 s'est poursuivie dans un autre bunker. Certainement intéressant. L'entrée dans la zone est interdite

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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    654 km
  • Durée
    37:49 h
  • Élévation
    13 440 m

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