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Elfringhauser Schweiz


Elfringhauser Schweiz

Thorben (Entdecken und Wandern)

Elfringhauser Schweiz

Collection par Thorben (Entdecken und Wandern)

16 Tours

48:51 h

263 km

6 870 m

Im Süden von Hattingen gelegen erstreckt sich dieses wunderbare Kleinod. Der Übergang zwischen Ruhrgebiet und dem bergischen Land hat hier einen ganz besonderen Naturraum vorgebracht. Es gibt tolle Wälder, großartige Weitsichten, schöne Wege und auch die passende Verpflegung. Hier lässt sich so manch schöner Tag verbringen.
Diese Tourauswahl beinhaltet vor allem Wege die außerhalb der Elfringhauser Schweiz starten und in sie hinein führen.
Vor allem an den Wochenenden sind oft die Parkplätze innerhalb der Elfringhauser Schweiz komplett überfüllt. Daher lohnt sich die Anreise mit dem ÖPNV.




  1. Zum Langenberger Sender (Elfringhauser Schweiz) 30.03.2021

    15,5 km
    5,3 km/h
    470 m
    460 m

    Today there was a need for a build-up program and where better to do this than in Elfringhauser Switzerland !?

    It went first over the Schulenberg forest into the Wodan valley and then over the Felderbachtal up to the transmitter. At the top it went through the village of Rommel and then along Hüserstra

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  2. Wonderful weather, great air, green landscape and nice company! Heart, what do you want more?

    This tour took me to a friend in Elfringhauser Switzerland. The goal was the view of the Immelberg. This hike was relaxed and we enjoyed the fresh wind, the tranquility of the landscape and the beauty of nature

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  4. 01:34
    9,38 km
    6,0 km/h
    240 m
    230 m

    Finally another tour where recording is really worthwhile. Through the beloved home it went into the Wodan valley and then up to the southern heights. It was a nice little but also a bit more demanding hike.


    Unfortunately, the recording didn't work out that well again. But there will soon be a real remedy

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  5. This tour was planned as a relaxed hike to increase endurance. But then it was a stress test for the nerves.


    After I was not upset about the GPS and Komoot problems last time, I was poured one for it today.

    At first I couldn't start the track sensibly. Once my location was found, I put down a rocket launch

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  6. Today the weather was used again for another nice hike. A few meters of altitude were collected and it went to the city limits of Hattingen. The Elfringhauser Switzerland lured me again and it went to the view on the Höhenweg. It was a wonderful hike with a nice mix of climbs and views.

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  7. 03:43
    19,6 km
    5,3 km/h
    500 m
    520 m

    It pulled me again into the Elfringhauser Switzerland, to the border of Sprockhövel and Hattingen. I had planned this tour for some time and it was again very nice paths hiked. The tour was also quite challenging and the steady up and down was not without. Nevertheless, I am very satisfied and happy to be there again.

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  8. That's what my hikes are for ... to be copped 😉

    I also think it's nice when you adjust it according to your own ideas, but also get in touch again so nicely! 🙂

    Have fun in my corner and I hope you enjoy hiking! 🏃🍀⛅🏞

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  9. Spontaneously I was able to use the nice weather for a small round. It was practically on the doorstep and into the school forest. After I got past the Hansberg into the Wodantal, I went up to the heights of Elfringhauser Switzerland, away from the known routes. After I brushed the Raffenberg, I went

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  10. J'ai enfin pu profiter du beau temps d'automne pour une randonnée plus longue. Depuis que je suis sorti avec des amis, il y a un peu moins de photos que d'habitude. De plus, c'était malheureusement un peu trop serré et cela rendait les conditions difficiles pour mon simple vieil appareil photo de tél

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  11. 03:08
    15,1 km
    4,8 km/h
    390 m
    380 m

    It was a round trip from the 332 stop Dräing in Sprockhövel hiked. The tour was really great. Unfortunately, in the end I had to hurry to get the hourly bus, so it was in the end a few pictures less. For me, the Elfringhauser Switzerland is an old pocket, about 5-7 years ago, I was very much hiked there

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  12. Actually I wanted to take part today in a nice group hike in Hagen. It should be run the 3 towers way. But fate meant it differently. After the right bus had to wait and so the connection to Hagen did not work out, I spontaneously redesigned. I canceled my participation in the group tour and conjured

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  13. This was a start again. After November was a total failure due to illness and I then lost my stamina, I finally went on a tour again, which was worthy of being recorded.

    Thanks to the current situation, my tours will now be organized from the front door again.

    The detour to Elfringhauser Switzerland was

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  14. Cela se passe toujours différemment de ce que vous pensez. Au lieu d'être ensemble, j'ai maintenant une autre période difficile de ma vie à gérer. Un cœur brisé n'est pas rapidement réparé, mais la randonnée est utile et c'est donc devenu un petit, puis un moyen et enfin un grand Wodantalsteig. C'est

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  15. The tour led from the station Dönberg church to the outskirts of Hattingen. My Komoot made a clear exit in two places. The internet connection in Elfringhauser Switzerland is sometimes very bad. It was a nice pleasant tour with company.

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  16. The great weather could be used directly for another hike and it led me over the heights of the Wodantal into the beautiful Felderbachtal and then to the Wünnerhof. There I lingered briefly on a nice bench before taking a closer look at the courtyard. There is not only a really nice little farm shop

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  17. Après une autre courte pause, j'ai pu retrouver du temps pour une belle randonnée.

    Nous sommes allés dans la jolie ville voisine de Sprockhövel et là, au pied de l'église de la tour à oignons, une belle randonnée intéressante a commencé. Il y avait beaucoup d'histoire minière, de belles vallées fluviales

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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    263 km
  • Durée
    48:51 h
  • Élévation
    6 870 m

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