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Komooto-Waran Gunther


Collection par Komooto-Waran Gunther

13 Tours

61:59 h

1 452 km

7 890 m

Von Köln aus zum Rand der Eifel.
Eifelluft schnuppern ohne große Kraxelei🙂




  1. Rotbachtal und Bruchbachtal im Schnee

    123 km
    21,1 km/h
    870 m
    810 m

    The nature reserve of the same name was a highlight in terms of landscape, but a few villages in the area are also little gems.


    Nice Eifel tour!


    Slush became an obstacle above 400 meters, since not all dirt roads were mobile.


    Komoot has positioned 5 images, the others have started.


    Doesn't want

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  2. 04:23
    103 km
    23,4 km/h
    460 m
    430 m

    @ Uta & Blueman:

    Under the old oak is one of my favorite benches 😀

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  4. 04:24
    105 km
    23,8 km/h
    530 m
    510 m

    The Harff'sche castle I had once seen at Manu.

    Can only be viewed from a distance, but beautiful - Thank you, Manu!


    I only knew Burg Bubenheim from the radio advertisement for the Spieleparadies - I happened to stumble over it today, after I spontaneously headed for the snack bar in Frauwüllesheim.



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  5. 06:07
    141 km
    23,1 km/h
    1 070 m
    1 050 m

    Thank you!

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  6. 03:59
    94,8 km
    23,8 km/h
    380 m
    370 m

    Thanks, Lars!

    Yes, it was a very nice tour 😀

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  7. 04:22
    110 km
    25,2 km/h
    570 m
    550 m

    Thank you, Thorst!

    Yeah, it was windy ...

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  8. 05:17
    125 km
    23,7 km/h
    730 m
    750 m

    The most strenuous climb was on the Tomberg - on foot. 😉

    I parked my bike in the undergrowth, I wanted to see the ruin up there.

    The most spectacular braking - Picture 1 ...

    Hadn't really taken the flood sign seriously. 😂

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  9. 03:58
    93,2 km
    23,5 km/h
    400 m
    390 m

    Exceptionally beautiful tour with two very different castles.

    Only a good kilometer apart.

    Castle Kleinbüllesheim has a decidedly rustic charm, something come down, and is used as an agricultural estate.

    The Kleeburg is a moated castle in outstanding condition.

    One of the private water castles that can be

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  10. 04:51
    111 km
    22,8 km/h
    560 m
    520 m

    The Muldenau stream rises near Thuir.

    I do not want to look for the source today: wrong shoes to walk around in cold, wet meadows far from home, but I accompanied him as far as possible from Bach meter 500 to Füssenich.

    There he was led into the Neffelbach.

    Strange how the waters are designed there - this

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  11. 04:28
    102 km
    22,8 km/h
    460 m
    420 m

    Landesburg is the name of an estate belonging to a sovereign, here the archbishop of Cologne.

    Tour was nice, but after the rest in Vettweiß I lost the thread - continued from there rather uninspired.

    Reasonable driving from Eggersheim ...

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  12. 05:01
    117 km
    23,2 km/h
    600 m
    590 m

    After I had to perform all sorts of tricks on Drachenfels to master my slalom through marauding hordes I was looking for more secluded castles today ...

    Oh, and Vlatten, the Silver Village, was in the shade too long.

    This rumbling rhyme, which could also come from the artistic claim of my pen, is attributed

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  13. 04:36
    115 km
    25,0 km/h
    600 m
    580 m

    Belle visite variée dans le Voreifel.

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  14. 04:42
    113 km
    24,1 km/h
    670 m
    760 m

    Enfin, j'ai eu le temps et les loisirs pour une tournée plus longue, donc ce devrait être le bien-aimé Eifel.

    Ça a commencé à Cologne par un confortable 6°, mais dans l'Eifel, 0° a clignoté sur le système de navigation pour la première fois cet automne : je n'ai donc pas eu à enlever ma veste dans la

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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    1 452 km
  • Durée
    61:59 h
  • Élévation
    7 890 m

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