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Collection par Sus

7 Tours

35:03 h

168 km

3 860 m

Der schönste Fernwanderweg, den ich bisher gelaufen bin.
Leider fehlen mir immer noch 2 Etappen, aber irgendwann werde ich es schaffen auch die noch zu laufen.




  1. Der Rheinburgenweg - Etappe 9 & 10 von Boppard nach Sankt Goar

    25,4 km
    5,2 km/h
    760 m
    740 m

    Aujourd'hui, le soleil a gagné le combat contre le brouillard et le long voyage, cette fois en voiture, en valait vraiment la peine. Il y a 3 semaines, vous ne pouviez voir qu'à 10 mètres à cause du brouillard, j'ai donc annulé la tournée.

    C'était certainement la plus belle étape jusqu'à présent. Pour

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  2. Aujourd'hui, je voulais marcher sur le Rheinburgenweg de Boppard à St. Goar. Mais comme vous ne pouviez voir que 10 mètres à cause du brouillard et qu'il n'y avait aucune amélioration en vue, j'ai annulé la visite. C'est dommage, mais je continuerai à marcher une autre fois.

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  4. Today I went back to Koblenz for the next stage of the Rheinburgenweg. At first it was a bit dark and eerie, but I also got a short shower. Later, however, the weather showed its best side again. The two stages were mostly on small paths and paths and also had a lot to offer in terms of altitude. Best

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  5. Today I finally continued with the Rheinburgenweg after I had to pause for 4 weeks due to the train's summer schedule. On the Moselle and in Koblenz it was very nice as always 😍 only the part in between through the woods was rather unspectacular. I'm really excited to see how things will continue from Koblenz

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  6. Today I took the train to Andernach, where the 4th and 5th stages of the Rheinburgenweg started for me. Since there was a lot going along fields and meadows today, I had picked out a rather cloudy day. It wasn't that cloudy after all and I worked up a sweat, but it was still a nice tour with a lot of

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  7. Today I took the train to Bad Breisig, my starting point for the 3rd stage of the Rheinburgenweg. At Reuterslay there was the first fantastic view of the Middle Rhine Valley including Rheineck Castle. Past Brohleck Castle, up the donkey stairs, we went on to the volcano park. The last ascent rewarded

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  8. Today the time had finally come: my first stage on the Rheinburgenweg and my first 30+ kilometer tour 🤗. I would not have thought that I would make it, because I have had back pain since this morning of all places, but everything goes with one tablet 😂 very nice tour with great views, especially on

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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    168 km
  • Durée
    35:03 h
  • Élévation
    3 860 m

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