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Sentiers et itinéraires de randonnée

Madrid – Weekend Adventures | Hikes

Sentiers et itinéraires de randonnée

Madrid – Weekend Adventures | Hikes

Trail Run

Madrid – Weekend Adventures | Hikes

Randonnée - Collection par Suunto

3 Tours

34:12 h

77,3 km

3 450 m

Welcome to our weekend adventure series, where we present a thrilling selection of trails and roads around major European cities. These Tours are easily accessible from the city centre and can be tackled either in a single day or be split to offer a full weekend experience. So pack your gear and start exploring – because adventure starts here.

This Collection takes you to the north of Madrid. The Sierra de Guadarrama National Park and the Sierra Norte region boast vast expanses of lush forests, fantastic granite formations, mountains that tower over 2,000 metres (6,500 ft), important rivers, and impressive limestone ravines. The erosion of granite, gneiss, and limestone has created flat peaks, corridors and faults. These landscapes are incredibly beautiful and home to emblematic sites such as La Pedriza, the Siete Picos, and the El Atazar reservoir.

You can complete all the routes in a day if you wish. Otherwise, you can also spread the distance over two days and stay halfway at a refuge or hostel. If you decide to complete each Tour without a break, you can sleep in the village where the route begins. You’ll find a variety of accommodation and restaurants along every route, just don’t forget to book in advance to ensure you have a bed and food waiting for you. We’ve included more information in each route description. If you prefer, you can also easily return home instead.

Each of the itineraries is less than an hour from the centre of Madrid. If you drive, make sure you leave early to get a parking space. Alternatively, you can also arrive by public transport. The starting points are well connected by bus and train, with several departures daily. We’ve indicated which lines you can catch in the route descriptions.

It's important that you take into account the distance, elevation gain, and terrain of each route before you start. At higher altitude, the terrain is more challenging and you may need to use your hands at times. You should therefore be in good shape and have some experience in the mountains. Good boots with grippy soles, a waterproof, and plenty of water and food in your rucksack are a must.

Finally, we recommend undertaking these adventures between spring and autumn. Get up early to make the most of the daylight hours and avoid the sweltering summer heat. Stay clear of rainy or snowy days, especially on the higher routes.

Curious? Connect your komoot account with Suunto and set off to discover the incredible natural wonders that Madrid has to offer.




  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap contributeurs

    Los Siete Picos de la sierra de Guadarrama — Madrid Weekend Adventures

    25,6 km
    2,1 km/h
    1 260 m
    1 260 m
    Randonnée - Expert . Excellente condition physique nécessaire. Excellente maîtrise, chaussures résistantes et expérience alpine exigées.

    La Route des Sept Cimes est l'une des plus célèbres de la Sierra de Guadarrama. Que vous veniez de Madrid ou que vous soyez de passage, vous serez sûrement surpris par cet itinéraire passionnant où vous pourrez atteindre certaines des plus hautes altitudes de la communauté autonome.


    Bien que la crête

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine


  2. 11:49
    23,1 km
    2,0 km/h
    1 240 m
    1 240 m
    Randonnée - Expert . Excellente condition physique nécessaire. Excellente maîtrise, chaussures résistantes et expérience alpine exigées.

    La zone de La Pedriza est souvent définie comme un immense labyrinthe peuplé de rochers de granit qui semblent avoir une vie propre. En effet, nombre d'entre eux ont adopté des surnoms pour leur physionomie singulière : le Rhinocéros, le Capucin, le Casque, la Dent, etc. Aiguilles, falaises et éboulis

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine


  3. Inscrivez-vous pour découvrir des lieux similaires

    Obtenez des recommandations sur les meilleurs itinéraires, pics, et lieux d'exception.

  4. 10:27
    28,6 km
    2,7 km/h
    960 m
    960 m
    Randonnée - Expert . Excellente condition physique nécessaire. Sentiers facilement accessibles. Tous niveaux.

    La rivière Jarama, bien qu'elle prenne sa source dans la province de Guadalajara, jouit d'une grande réputation à Madrid. En fait, il traverse la communauté autonome du nord au sud, c'est pourquoi il détient le titre de plus long fleuve. Le GR 88, ou Chemin de Ségovie, a la chance d'en partager l'un

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine



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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    77,3 km
  • Durée
    34:12 h
  • Élévation
    3 450 m

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