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Sentiers de vélo de montagne

Assisted ascent – Latemar and Sella with ski lifts

Sentiers de vélo de montagne

Assisted ascent – Latemar and Sella with ski lifts


Assisted ascent – Latemar and Sella with ski lifts

VTT - Collection par Frank Paganini

2 Tours

08:05 h

101 km

5 470 m

Internationally renowned as ski destinations, the Latemar and Sella groups are two massifs located in the north-eastern region of Trentino-Alto Adige. These areas have successfully transitioned their winter offerings into extraordinary summer mountain biking (MTB) experiences.

This Collection presents two loops around the majestic Dolomite groups in northern Italy. Both Tours are accessible by ski lifts, meaning less experienced riders and those without an E-MTB can enjoy alpine MTB adventures.

Both Tours have a maximum elevation gain of 400 metres (1300 ft) and are suitable for a leisurely one-day excursion. The Latemar Tour is less demanding, featuring only two initial ski lifts and a shorter, gentler loop (38 km / 23 mi). Conversely, the Sellaronda (62.5 km / 38.8 mi) is longer, involves several climbs, and requires a fair amount of technical ability.

The Latemar Tour is best for beginners, while experienced riders seeking a challenge can opt for the Sellaronda. Regardless, both Tours are great. It's crucial to choose a day with favourable weather conditions, especially as altitudes reach up to 2,500 metres (8,200 ft). Stable and clear weather is certainly preferable, if only for the views.

If you’d like to sample the local cuisine, you can stop at various refuges on both routes. The lifts operate from mid-June to mid-September in the summer season, with potential crowds during the August Bank Holiday period.

Embark on the Latemar Tour or the Sellaronda for a downhill adventure with minimal effort.




  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap contributeurs

    Il giro del Latemar in MTB

    38,2 km
    12,5 km/h
    1 610 m
    1 610 m
    Sortie à VTT - Expert. Excellente condition physique nécessaire. Pour tous les niveaux.

    Le circuit circulaire Latemar commence au pied du téléphérique Stalimen-Gardoné, juste au-dessus de la ville de Predazzo. Comme prévu dans l'introduction, ce Tour implique l'utilisation de deux remontées mécaniques : le premier tronçon de Stalimen à Baita Gardoné et le second, immédiatement après, en

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine


  2. 05:01
    62,3 km
    12,4 km/h
    3 870 m
    3 880 m
    Sortie à VTT - Expert. Excellente condition physique nécessaire. Nécessite un excellent niveau de pilotage. Certaines portions du Tour peuvent exiger que vous poussiez votre vélo.

    Que ce soit en été ou en hiver, la Sellaronda reste l'un des itinéraires les plus réputés des Dolomites. Ce tour emblématique du massif du Sella, également connu sous le nom de "Le tour des quatre cols", relie quatre vallées ladines à travers les magnifiques cols des Dolomites : col Pordoi, col Campolongo

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine



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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    101 km
  • Durée
    08:05 h
  • Élévation
    5 470 m

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