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Rogaška slatina - Most na soči


Rogaška slatina - Most na soči

Marko Burjek

Rogaška slatina - Most na soči

Collection par Marko Burjek

4 Tours

24:22 h

387 km

4 000 m

Because I couldn't leave the country I decided to go on a multiday local cycling trip.Day 1:
From Rogaška slatina pass multiple castles to Novo Mesto. Pass one famous castle on the island on Krka (Otočec) and famous city on an island Kostanjevica na Krki
Day 2:
Up Krka pass more Castles to Krka source then over Bear country to Bloke (birth place of skiing)
Day 3:
From bloke pass another fairytale castle Snežnik pass famous largest intermittent lake Cerknica in Slovenia continued through Rak Škocjan which is a valley and a landscape park where I've seen 2 natural bridges. At the end of the day a nice ride through Postojna and nice descent through famous Vipava valley.
Day 4:
I left Vipava valley and cycled next to Branica river where I've seen nice old city Štanjel. I continued to Nova gorica took a postcard picture of famous Solkan bridge over turquoise Soča river. Last part of the trip was up along nice Soča river. First part with cycleway was very beautiful. But after city of Kanal when I crossed the river it gets complicated, first the steep hills start because the road goes away from the river and temperature was 26°C. After Avče when asphalt stops it gets complicated. It is mostly passable by trekking bike but part at Babja jama was unpassable. Since it was very steep with very rough terrain I had to push the bike down and up but after that it was nice again until Most na Soči where is a lake where I could swim if I would be faster. There I went on a train and continued with sightseeing lake Bled from train on a ride home.




  1. Journey begins with castles

    119 km
    18,3 km/h
    1 060 m
    1 110 m

    C'est allé un peu plus vite que prévu. La destination finale est Most na Soči à Gorenjska le dimanche. Aujourd'hui je traverse le pays 🐻

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  2. 06:26
    89,1 km
    13,9 km/h
    1 230 m
    700 m

    Pluie le matin mais s'est arrêté avant de commencer. Ensuite, c'était bien nuageux. Seulement avant de gravir la première grande colline, il est devenu ensoleillé. C'était comme faire du vélo dans le four. Heureusement, le vent a commencé à souffler et la haute altitude a contribué à abaisser la température.

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  4. Pourquoi l'été a-t-il décidé d'arriver aujourd'hui ? Au moins, le vent soufflait presque toute la journée.

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  5. 05:09
    78,4 km
    15,2 km/h
    810 m
    760 m

    La partie la plus difficile a été le trajet en train jusqu'à la maison. 30° pas de climatisation et un masque.

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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    387 km
  • Durée
    24:22 h
  • Élévation
    4 000 m

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