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Caesar 🚴‍♂️ a découvert cet endroit avec komoot !

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Caesar 🚴‍♂️

E04 Berlin-Kopenhagen - Von Neustrelitz nach Waren

Caesar 🚴‍♂️

E04 Berlin-Kopenhagen - Von Neustrelitz nach Waren

E04 Berlin-Kopenhagen - Von Neustrelitz nach Waren

66,9 km
18,4 km/h
380 m
380 m
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Point de départ
9,81 km
18,8 km
20,0 km
25,0 km
Ruhe und Entspannung am See
Schöner Rastplatz
25,2 km
27,8 km
Glasmanufaktur & Cafe
37,1 km
Schliemann Museum
65,8 km
Waren an der Müritz
66,9 km



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a fait une sortie à vélo.

9 septembre 2020


  • 9 septembre 2020

    Today it was a total of 66 kilometers to go to Waren and where there was a lot to see. It started on a beautiful path on the shore of the Zierker See. This was followed by a loop around the Useriner See, which then sends me north. Here it goes through the fascinating Müritz National Park, which enchants

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  • 9 septembre 2020

    The weather of this tour:

    At the beginning it was cloudy ☁️, but dry, hardly any wind. 19 degrees. It's perfect cycling weather. In the afternoon there was more wind and 15 km from the finish even a violent, nasty headwind. And a few more inclines. Phew !!! 🥵. The last 6 km then led through a forest

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  • 15 septembre 2020

    Yesterday we drove the tour against the route from Waren to Neustrelitz. I am overwhelmed by the national park 🏞. Very impressive tour 👍😃🚲

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