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Forchheim 🚵🚴


Forchheim 🚵🚴

Forchheim 🚵🚴

76,7 km
23,1 km/h
780 m
790 m
  • Enregistrer une copie du Tour


Point de départ
2,77 km
4,38 km
5,73 km
25,6 km
35,6 km
69,3 km
69,5 km

Créez un compte komoot gratuit pour voir plus de photos et d'Incontournables de ce Tour.

76,7 km



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a fait du VTT.

12 septembre 2020


  • 12 septembre 2020

    Video of this tour:



    By the way: I publish all "MyKomootStories" on YouTube. If you are interested, here is the link to the channel:



    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
  • 12 septembre 2020

    Today I went to Forchheim because I haven't been there for a long time and I have to say that the bike infrastructure there is really bad. If there is a bike path at all, it is only on the street and in general the traffic routing for cyclists is very confusing and you have to wait a long time at the

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