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Erika a découvert cet endroit avec komoot !

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Kitzinghof- Bargauer Horn❄⛄❄🤩


Kitzinghof- Bargauer Horn❄⛄❄🤩

Kitzinghof- Bargauer Horn❄⛄❄🤩

10,5 km
4,7 km/h
180 m
170 m
  • Enregistrer une copie du Tour


Point de départ
488 m
2,36 km
3,19 km
Bargauer Kreuz
3,91 km
4,65 km
5,54 km
6,25 km
8,85 km
9,51 km
10,4 km
10,5 km



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a fait une randonnée.

7 janvier 2021


  • 7 janvier 2021

    A beautiful hike through a wonderful winter landscape🤗

    Only a few great viewpoints were missing. In retrospect, I realized that we would have reached a lookout point if we had walked straight ahead after the Bargauer Kreuz Kreuz

    We only met 2 couples. One on skis, the other hiking. And we saw a few athletes

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  • 7 janvier 2021

    It looks wonderful in the snow 😊

    Great tour

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  • 7 janvier 2021

    Thank you, it was beautiful too🤗

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  • 7 janvier 2021

    Hello Erika,

    thank you for your likes.

    Today I looked at many of your tours and found that you are already on

    have made tours in many places where we were also on the go (Beurener Fels, Trailfinger Gorge, Herrenbach Reservoir, Stuifen, Reiterles Chapel, etc.).

    Let's see what beautiful tours will bring us

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  • 7 janvier 2021

    Hello Harry, I also follow your tours🙂👍

    I've already taken over a lot from Komoot and find it very exciting what the individuals do, where they run or ride their bikes.

    Without the app and its users, it would be incomparably harder to find exciting tours.

    I wish you great tours again this year! Take care of yourself🙂🤗

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  • 8 janvier 2021

    What would we do without komoot? Or take a step back: what would we do without a GPS? Do you remember how you used to plan tours using a map and then puzzle over whether you are on the map at this intersection or already at the next? And how one was longingly looking for signs in the forest? And how

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  • 8 janvier 2021

    Dear Roman, you are absolutely right!

    Planning in advance is also a lot of fun and it is then very exciting to see whether everything will go well when you go on the tour😄👍

    We also often drive paths that we would not have found at all without komoot, only with a map😎

    Take good care of yourself and stay healthy!

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  • 8 janvier 2021

    Although with komoot you can sometimes experience nasty surprises! Sometimes the paths in the locality no longer exist or are so overgrown that one takes flight across the forest to the next path. When planning my MTB tours, I usually try to avoid the single-line routes. Sometimes they lead across a field.

    Stay healthy too!

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  • 9 janvier 2021

    I also try to avoid the pure hiking trails when cycling. You can usually get through on foot somehow🙂

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