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Ritter Raspe

🏄🏻‍♂️ SUP-Packing in MeckPomm 2

Ritter Raspe

🏄🏻‍♂️ SUP-Packing in MeckPomm 2

🏄🏻‍♂️ SUP-Packing in MeckPomm 2

17,3 km
3,6 km/h
40 m
40 m
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Point de départ
0 m

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17,3 km



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a fait un Tour.

27 juillet 2021


  • 27 juillet 2021

    From Priepert today, with great weather, we went on the second stage of the SUP tour.


    The tour followed in large parts of the Havel over the Great and Small Priepertsee, the Finowsee and to the junction of the Schwaanhavel.

    On the water it was very calm with little ship traffic and the rich nature was…

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