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Capital Ring


Capital Ring

Troy Mariyanayagam

Capital Ring

Collection par Troy Mariyanayagam

5 Tours

25:16 h

129 km

1 380 m

This circular walk London route consists of 15 sections between Woolwich and Becton District Park. The Capital Ring Walk lets you see some of London's finest scenery. Divided into 15 easy-to-walk sections, it covers 126km (78 miles) of open space, nature reserves, Sites of Specific Scientific Interest and more.I aim to complete this walk in 5 days. I will call them Capital Ring Days, and of course, I will take days off between each day to relax. There isn't a specific way to complete the Capital Ring, do what works for you.I've planned the route using information from the Inner London Ramblers guide and with public transport in mind so that you can start and end your Capital Ring Walks near a transport hub.I suggest reading the guides provided by the Inner London Rambles before setting off, as it can be handy. I usually refer to it on my journey there, so I know exactly what to expect. It's convenient with clear information and maps. I also recommend The Capital Ring book by author Colin Saunders. It's a brilliant read and incredibly insightful.innerlondonramblers.org.uk/ideasforwalks/capital-ring-guides.html




  1. Capital Ring Day 1 | Sections 1-2 | Woolwich to Grove Park

    17,1 km
    5,0 km/h
    240 m
    200 m

    @Peter Il faisait beau aujourd'hui ! J'ai bien aimé la section 2, en particulier Eltham Place et les zones voisines.

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  2. Capital Ring Day 2 VLOG :


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  4. @Susan Hey Susan, c'était une promenade incroyable. Dommage que le temps ait été un peu horrible. Je fais de mon mieux pour capturer l'environnement... 😊

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  5. Merci 👍🏽 Je profite au maximum de mon temps libre. Oui, faire les dernières sections au cours des prochains jours !

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  6. @Mustafa Merci ! C'était difficile et la section 14 ressemblait à un frein, mais j'ai fini par arriver à la fin.

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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    129 km
  • Durée
    25:16 h
  • Élévation
    1 380 m

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