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Bayerischer Wald


Bayerischer Wald

🇪🇺 Edith 🇺🇦

Bayerischer Wald

Collection par 🇪🇺 Edith 🇺🇦

4 Tours

05:58 h

23,9 km

380 m




  1. Triftsperre - Halser Ilzschleife - Stausee Oberilzmühle - 11.08.2021

    6,16 km
    4,9 km/h
    70 m
    60 m

    I had already finished the comment on my tablet, then the internet was gone 🤨


    So all over again 😏


    Today Nico and I were out on the Ilz 🤩

    Our hike began at the Oberilzmühle parking lot. From there we went on the left side of the Ilz towards the Triftsperre. The path was beautiful and in between you could

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  2. Today Nico and I went on a hike from the Dreisessel to the Hochstein, over the Plöckenstein to the Dreiländereck and back through the Steinerne Meer in wonderful weather.


    The way from the Dreisessel to the Dreiländereck was mostly rocky, but easy to walk.

    The way back over the Stone Sea was very adventurous

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  4. 00:29
    1,82 km
    3,8 km/h
    10 m
    10 m

    On our way home, Nico and I stopped in Pullman City.


    The western town is very authentic and worth a visit 😎


    Before we went there, Felix told me to leave the cowboys alone 😉


    I found the Indians better anyway 😂

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  5. 01:30
    6,43 km
    4,3 km/h
    90 m
    80 m

    Our hike today was beautiful.


    The Buchberger Leite is one of the most beautiful gorge landscapes in the Bavarian Forest.

    Our path led along the torrent, past imposing stone formations and gorges rich in moss and ferns.


    Here the Reschbach meets the Saußbach and together with it forms the Wolfsteiner Ohe

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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    23,9 km
  • Durée
    05:58 h
  • Élévation
    380 m

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