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Itinéraires et pistes cyclables

Vineyards and dreamy dirt roads – gravel in Valpolicella and Lessinia

Itinéraires et pistes cyclables

Vineyards and dreamy dirt roads – gravel in Valpolicella and Lessinia

Francesco | Cyclo Ergo Sum

Vineyards and dreamy dirt roads – gravel in Valpolicella and Lessinia

Sortie à vélo - Collection par Francesco | Cyclo Ergo Sum

2 Tours

10:40 h

137 km

2 250 m

I’d been looking for a place where I could unwind, forget everyday life and go on a fun cycling adventure. With a couple of great friends and adventure partners, I headed off towards the area north of Verona, between Valpolicella, Valdadige and Lessinia.

By combining our passion for gravel, desire to discover new places and love of local food and wine, we put together a fun weekend. At a leisurely pace, we explored an area of northern Italy that I barely knew before. In this Collection, you’ll find the two rides we did that weekend, designed for you to experience Valpolicella up close, at the rhythm of your pedals.

The two gravel loops start from Bussolengo. You’ll easily find a parking space, as we did, and a place to spend the night. The town is an ideal location to take a walk in the evening and tuck into dinner at one of the numerous trattorias.

With these two Tours, one of which is slightly more challenging, you’ll pass iconic places straddling the three valleys, such as the piana di Brigaldola, the passo dei Lumini, the short yet fascinating 2x4 cycle path, the Progni Valley, and panoramic views across to Molina. You’ll climb through vineyards and olive groves, stopping to catch your breath and admire the valley behind you.

We tackled these two itineraries in the first days of spring. They’re suitable any time of year, except winter, which can be humid and cold. Along the way, you’ll encounter many fountains, as well as numerous taverns, trattorias and bars where a glass of Valpolicella Ripasso awaits.

Pack your bags and embark on this short adventure through the magical lands of Valpolicella, Valdadige and Lessinia!




  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap contributeurs

    Anneau de gravier entre Valdadige et Valpolicella

    78,7 km
    13,5 km/h
    1 110 m
    1 110 m
    Sortie gravel - Expert. Excellente condition physique nécessaire. Surfaces pour la plupart pavées. Tous niveaux.

    Dans ce premier anneau de gravier, je vous emmènerai entre Valdadige et Valpolicella. Prenez toute la journée, car avec le dénivelé et les bonnes pauses il vous faudra du temps et de l'envie pour vous remplir les yeux de beauté.


    Départ de Bussolengo en quittant le village par un chemin de terre. Une fois

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine


  2. 04:50
    58,1 km
    12,0 km/h
    1 140 m
    1 150 m
    Sortie gravel - Expert. Excellente condition physique nécessaire. Surfaces pour la plupart pavées. Tous niveaux.

    Dans cette deuxième balade entre Valpolicella et Lessinia, vous partez de Bussolengo et traversez l'Adige en direction d'Arcè. En légère pente constante, il traverse des villas prestigieuses aux haies bien entretenues, des vignobles à perte de vue et des petits villages comme Bure et Gargagnago.


    De l

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine



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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    137 km
  • Durée
    10:40 h
  • Élévation
    2 250 m

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