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Collection par Eva🐴

7 Tours

15:28 h

241 km

3 210 m




  1. Bruderhof und zurück

    24,2 km
    18,7 km/h
    350 m
    330 m

    Komoot has deleted the route🤨

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  2. 02:18
    36,9 km
    16,0 km/h
    560 m
    540 m

    The tour leads into the Rehletal on beautiful paths via rows mountain chapel and Schenkenberg chapel. I liked the row mountain chapel with its simple interior and the benches under the linden tree and the fountain better than the splendid Schenkenberg chapel.

    As Mandy has already written, the Frauenschuh

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  4. 03:05
    45,6 km
    14,8 km/h
    520 m
    510 m

    Les douleurs musculaires causées par les randonnées en montagne ont disparu, alors mon mari Kalle et moi sommes partis faire un tour à vélo dans le Lautertal. Une très belle vallée avec ses pentes rocheuses, le premier tronçon depuis Unterwilzingen même sans voiture. Il y a actuellement des fermetures

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  5. Of course you have to expect a lot of activity on a day like today, but smooth driving was possible. From Unterschmeien it is very steep up the mountain. No problem with an e-bike, but my husband had to wheezy with his rickety old analog mountain bike. We wanted to go to the Teufelslochfelsen, there

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  6. The valley in front of the mountain climb is beautiful, and in the Schindelwald there is a small pond, an enchanted place.

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  7. 02:18
    31,8 km
    13,8 km/h
    590 m
    570 m

    Today I want to

    1. Climb up a mountain, even if it's only a small one.

    2. Don't get in the car.

    So I rode my bike to the Luginsfeld ruins above Tuttlingen, parked the bike there and walked 2 km into the valley, then zigzagging up a beautiful narrow-rooted nature trail. The ruin consists of a square foundation

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  8. The tour runs partly on back roads with little traffic without a cycle path, partly on asphalt farm roads, but partly also on forest and meadow paths, all of which were, however, easily passable.

    First the tour leads to Rorgenwies, where you have a wonderful panoramic view of the Alps when the weather

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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    241 km
  • Durée
    15:28 h
  • Élévation
    3 210 m

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