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The Unknown Race #2


The Unknown Race #2

Yannick Reich

The Unknown Race #2

Collection par Yannick Reich

4 Tours

64:07 h

998 km

10 850 m

Day 1:
Left Vienna quickly and in beautiful weather, only to end soaking wet and covered in snow at CP1 in Styria. But the scenery and roads were nice throughout.
Also, this track is entirely artificial because Garmin felt like keeping my heartrate data but deleting the track.
Day 2:
Started gold but well rested, stayed cold throughout the morning, but body and soul got warmed by the sun throughout the day. Passo Pradil was just stunning. Pushing up to the checkpoint wasn't great for my knees, but I made it still somewhere in the middle.
Day 3:
Started dry but tired after a night of poor sleep in a dorm. Sharing the hostel with a bunch of other riders was fun, but not compatible with 4 hours of sleep.
The morning was beautiful, going through narrow valleys in the slovenian alps. And the next couple of hours felt quite fast on flat roads towards Celje. Then my left knee went offline though and I choose to stop earlier in Maribor.
Day 4:
This was the day things fell apart. In the morning, or rather at night, I couldn't handle the cold and let it slow me down. The knee seemed ok every now and then, but usually wasn't happy. Then, just before the climb to CP3, my rear derailleur joined my knee and broke, shortly followed by the right knee which wasn't happy to suddenly be pushing hard up the climbs.
I pushed on until sunset but then finally came to the conclusion that I had pushed through enough and could treat myself to a train back to vienna.




  1. TURNo2 Day 4

    213 km
    12,0 km/h
    2 710 m
    2 440 m
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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    998 km
  • Durée
    64:07 h
  • Élévation
    10 850 m

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