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Walking in Tafraoute, Marokko


Walking in Tafraoute, Marokko


Walking in Tafraoute, Marokko

Collection par Maria

8 Tours

18:24 h

65,5 km

1 270 m

Our walks in Tafraoute and surroundings. Starting from the camper place in the 'Keteldal'.Tafraoute itself is located at an altitude of 1000 meters and is surrounded by beautifully shaped red granite, in the form of bizarre shaped rocks. It is a place where you can walk, scramble over the rocks and make beautiful bike rides, with many altimeters.It is a well-known place for campers. You are 'free' here in the Kettle Valley, between the palm trees, for a small fee. The place is guarded, the baker comes by daily, there is a hairdresser active on the 'camping', a water cart regularly comes by, you can buy harira soup from a lady. Another lady does the laundry for a fee, you can have a beautiful painting on your camper, etc.In general it is often nice weather. The camper season is between December and March / April. On our journey through Morocco we are often stationed here for 4 to 6 weeks. And we are never bored.There are four campsites around Tafraoute, in the village there is a hammam where you can shower for a small fee, and of course you can do a hammam session. You then sit between the locals, of course men separated from the women.




  1. 🇲🇦 Hike, loop behind camperplace in Tafraout, with friends

    2,82 km
    2,4 km/h
    120 m
    120 m

    Une randonnée courte mais très agréable avec un super groupe

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  3. Merci, c'est un très bel environnement, Tafraoute. vous pouvez faire de belles promenades et balades à vélo.

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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    65,5 km
  • Durée
    18:24 h
  • Élévation
    1 270 m

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