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Sentiers et itinéraires de randonnée

Mountains, sea and mystical landscapes – hiking trips to Greece

Sentiers et itinéraires de randonnée

Mountains, sea and mystical landscapes – hiking trips to Greece

© Jack Wolfskin

Mountains, sea and mystical landscapes – hiking trips to Greece

Randonnée - Collection par Jack Wolfskin

5 Tours

29:00 h

62,2 km

2 610 m

The Oracle of Delphi is mysterious and mystical at the same time. For centuries, visitors from all over the world have been drawn to Greece to, this, one of the most legendary, ancient places in history. Around the sanctuary, a landscape of picturesque fir forests, fertile fields, panoramic peaks and a sea of olive trees awaits you. The air on the sunny slopes is filled with the special scent of grasses and Mediterranean wild herbs.

Our multi-day Tour immerses you in this gorgeous region. The stages take you from Eptalofos, to remote landscapes and traditional mountain villages, all the way to the Gulf of Corinth. Sometimes you walk through waving grasses, sometimes through shady forests. On the heights of the Parnassos mountain range, your shoes crunch the rocky paths beneath your feet. And in the evening, when a sea of stars unfurls above, you listen to the chirping of countless cicadas.

Lots of fresh air, fairly strenuous paths and tasty, quintessentially Greek ingredients will make your stomach rumble. You can easily conjure up delicious meals on the road. We’ve put together a few menu suggestions like stuffed courgette or a spicy bulgur salad for you in the Tour descriptions. Greece's cuisine is sure to inspire you.

In spring, five of us set out on a multi-day adventure through Greece to immerse ourselves in the barren yet fascinating landscapes around Delphi and leave civilization far behind.

Day 1: Welcome to Greece

After our arrival in sunny Greece, we dedicate the day to exploring Eptalofos, a picturesque village with a small waterfall and surrounded by hundred-year-old plane trees.

Day 2: Hike from the waterfalls of Eptalofos to the springs of Polydrosos.

We start our multi-day adventure along the north side of Mount Parnassos, hiking through lush grasses and fragrant forest to the quaint village of Polydrosos.

Day 3: Hike to the Deffner mountain hut

We leave Polydrosos behind us. Our path leads us through forest areas with endemic species such as Greek fir and juniper trees. Our destination is the Deffner mountain hut at 1,820 metres (5,971 ft) above sea level.

Day 4: Hike around Mount Parnassos

High up in the Parnassos Mountains, we climb the 2,395-metre (7,858 ft) Jerontovrachos peak and encounter herds of sheep and goats. From here, we descend into the valley with breathtaking views. We spend the night in lively Arachova.

Day 5: The Nymphs of Korikion Antro and the Navel of the World

With views of the vast olive valley and the Gulf of Corinth, we follow an ancient path from the Livadi plateau to the sanctuary of Delphi. We also explore the legendary Korikion Antro cave along the way.

Day 6: Through millions of olive trees to the beach

On the last day, we follow in the footsteps of ancient pilgrims through a sea of olive trees via the picturesque village of Chrisso. Our adventure ends in the small harbour town of Itea on the Gulf of Corinth.

If you’re inspired, you can book this exact multi-day hike with ASI Reisen. Including arrival and departure, the journey lasts seven days, five of which are spent with like-minded hikers.




  1. Tag 2: Wanderung von Eptalofos nach Polydrosos - Etappe 1 unseres Griechenland-Abenteuers

    10,8 km
    2,3 km/h
    260 m
    700 m

    Le matin, nous partîmes tous les cinq du paisible village de montagne d'Eptalofos. Nous suivons le parcours du sentier de randonnée 22, qui nous mène à travers de pittoresques paysages de brousse ouverts, eux-mêmes encadrés par de hautes forêts de sapins. Ici, on s'offre une pause bien méritée au soleil

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  2. Après une nuit de détente à Polydrosos, nous quittons le joli village et plongeons à nouveau dans la nature. Environ 13 kilomètres nous attendent aujourd'hui. Le sentier serpente à travers des champs fertiles et à travers des zones boisées de sapins grecs et de genévriers uniques à cette région.


    Les arbres

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  4. Entourés des sommets prometteurs autour du mont Parnasse, nous avons passé une merveilleuse nuit dans le refuge de montagne. Fraîchement renforcés, nous explorons les crêtes montagneuses du domaine skiable, prisé en hiver. L'itinéraire nous emmène au-dessus du pic Jerontovrachos de 2 395 mètres d'altitude

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  5. Aujourd'hui la journée commence par un transfert vers le plateau de Livadi. Devant nous se trouve un chemin historique qui nous mènera à 1 100 mètres d'altitude depuis les pentes du mont Parnasse jusqu'à la grotte de Korikion Antro. Heureusement, nous avons nos lampes frontales avec nous, nous pouvons

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  6. Après tant d'impressions merveilleuses dans le paysage de montagne autour de Delphes, nous attendons avec impatience la plage et la mer aujourd'hui ! Il descend à travers une forêt dense et nous faisons un détour par le village sauvage et romantique de Chrisso. De là, nous pouvons voir la mer et la vall

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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    62,2 km
  • Durée
    29:00 h
  • Élévation
    2 610 m

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