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Nicola De Lillo

Trail Piano Giumenta - Pietra Castello - Pantano Grande

Nicola De Lillo

Trail Piano Giumenta - Pietra Castello - Pantano Grande

Trail Piano Giumenta - Pietra Castello - Pantano Grande

8,55 km
8,1 km/h
460 m
440 m
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771 m
4,00 km

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8,55 km



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a fait une course à pied.

28 août 2021


  • 28 août 2021

    Short trail. It starts from the cross-country ski and Nordic walking center of Terranova (Piano Giumenta). Follow the Rueping path up to Pietra castello and descend towards the Pantano Grande to close the ring.


    Excellent view of the belvedere immediately out of the woods in the first section.

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine

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